Aggretsuko Season 3 spoiler review
Aggrestsuko is pretty direct when it comes to social commentary but this season takes it to a whole other level. Going spoil all of season 3 so please watch it and get back to me.
This season tackles the gig/hustle economy and idol groups. Even has the loot box plot but that quickly gets side lined to toxic fandom.
Retsuko comes full circle in combining her death metal singing with her side gig of being an idol. And it gets dark. Not only does the group she helps out with get into toxic fandom but also the economics of starting a new business and all the stress and failures along the way.
Doing what you love vs your needs:
All the characters in this season go through this arc but most importantly we see Retsuko go from loot box whale to pop idol stardom. While at first hating the gig to actually enjoying it (a bit Stockholm). She ultimately realizes that maybe she won’t be doing a regular job in the future. That making something on your own has it’s own rewards. Being your own boss, more profits, etc. But after a brutal attack on her life she decides to go back to her office job. While I think this was a tonal shift for the show it does show the realism of idol work in Japan. While we do have our toxic fandom here in the US it gets even worst over in Japan. Idols are constantly harassed and pretty much have to accept it as normal.
Haida goes through something similar but instead of a career it’s his love life. Like many adults you pretty much weight your options. Haida’s dilemma is choosing the Ms. Right now vs Ms. Right. In a status quo like fashion he choose Retusko in the end.
Feels like the show actively tries to go far but it seems the writers or producers or whoever wants to keep the status quo. I mean the stabbing scene took a turn and shocked me. After all the trails and effort it just seems like a cheap cop out for Retsuko to go back to her office job while the group they worked so hard for got so far. I mean I do respect her decision and trauma PTSD must have played a part but it just feels like unfulfilling for her character arc.
Haida’s arc also feels like it was wasted. As an audience of 3 seasons I think I speak for a lot of viewers who want to see theses characters change. You want that Heroes Journey to end.
Still a great season overall but without any real change from our characters I think the show will get stale but the writers could change all of that in the next season if we get one.
Also Fenneko and others kind of got sidelined this season. I mean even Anai got more development since last season getting a book deal and girlfriend.