Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon city — ReviewBeen waiting for this one to reach a streaming site and it’s only a dollar to rent on amazon right now. Check it out via my affiliate link…May 24, 2022May 24, 2022
What I did in December 2021Can’t believe it’s actually been a year. 2020 still feels like it was longer than a year ago. Anyway here are the things I did in December…Jan 2, 2022Jan 2, 2022
What I did in November 2021To tell you the truth didn’t really do all that much. But the big thing was MOVE.Dec 5, 2021Dec 5, 2021
What I did in October 2021Not too exciting this month. But quite a lot happened and finally got gas back so I can cook and have hot showers again.Oct 31, 2021Oct 31, 2021
What I did in September 2021Been kind of a slow month for me. Hurricane Ida pretty much ruined this month and probably parts of October. It flooded my basement of my…Sep 30, 2021Sep 30, 2021
What I watched in August/backlog anime and filmsI waited until Netflix and other streaming services got a bunch of backlog I could bing since paying month to month is kind of a waste. And…Sep 6, 2021Sep 6, 2021
86 anime review ep 1–9 spoilers!Haven’t done theses in a while since nothing really caught my eye in the last few seasons. According to other fans who read the light novel…Jun 6, 2021Jun 6, 2021
No Buy year 2021 May updatesStarted my new job early this month and stopped with the Starbucks. Finally free coffee and nicer bosses and coworkers. But this month came…May 24, 2021May 24, 2021
No buy year 2021 March and April updatesBeen kind of an eventful few months. Changed jobs, got my Covid shots and caught up with a few old friends.May 9, 2021May 9, 2021
Game backlog debateThis is kind of a direct response to Kotaku about their many many articles about Backlogs whether they are good, bad, or neutral about…Apr 24, 20211Apr 24, 20211
The Starbucks rabbit hole articleSo been kind of hating work currently and been actively using my break time and almost any excuse to take a walk and one of the cheapest…Apr 12, 2021Apr 12, 2021
Feb 2021 no buy year monthly updatesStill going strong and actually been really good in February. Had a few cheat meals that I bought but other then that I’ve bought actually…Mar 1, 2021Mar 1, 2021
The promised Neverland season 2 episode 6 spoilers review !!I know there is a ton of hate for the new direction but it’s like a train wreck and you can’t seem to take your eyes off the wreckage.Feb 22, 2021Feb 22, 2021
The Promised Neverland season 2 episodes 1–4 spoilersSo the long awaited season 2 is here. Can’t believe the first season aired in the beginning of 2019. Maybe it was because of the pandemic…Feb 4, 2021Feb 4, 2021
No buy year 2021 Jan LogI actually did buy a few more things this month then I intended but they were for late Christmas gifts and the like so those don’t count.Feb 1, 2021Feb 1, 2021
No buy year 2020Pretty easy year for this challenge. But I think the real test will be in 2021. Once we can actually do things I think the temptation will…Jan 9, 2021Jan 9, 2021
Switching back to AppleFor context I’ve been using Android since 2016 before that I was rocking the iPhone 5C. With everything going on I feel like a change is…Dec 19, 2020Dec 19, 2020
Great Pretender season 2 Wizard of far east Spoilers!Make some coffee, this one is a long one.Dec 5, 2020Dec 5, 2020
Bad filmmaking advice in NYCThis might be a hot take but I’ve grown to understand that the indie scene here is dead. Or maybe it was never here. Everything from huge…Oct 10, 2020Oct 10, 2020